The Biomass and Bioenergy Congress will bring together the worlds leading biomass and bioenergy references to present and discuss perspectives, solutions and their impacts in Brazil and the world.
The aim of the conference is to promote the meeting of professionals, researchers, research centers, companies and universities to talk about the use and application of biomass in all its forms and its importance in society, encouraging scientific research and development through lectures and presentations.
Organizing committee
President - Prof. Dr. Fabio Minoru Yamaji - UFSCar
Vice-president - Profa. Dra. Franciane Andrade de Pádua - UFSCar
General secretary- Prof. Dr. Walbert Chrisostomo – UNISO
Financial coordinator – M.Sc. Luis Ricardo Oliveira Santos - UFSCar
Scientific coordinator - Dr. Luciano Donizeti Varanda – UFSCar
Communication and dissemination committee
Prof. M.Sc. João Lúcio de Barros – IFSP/UNESP
M.Sc. Luis Ricardo Oliveira Santos - UFSCar
Eng. Thiago Fernandes Oliveira de Lima
Enga. Gabriela Bertoni Belini - UFSCar
M.Sc. Gabriela Tami Nakashima – UFSCar/Nagoya University
Eng. Elias Ricardo Durango Padilla - UFSCar
M.Sc. Ana Larissa Santiago Hansted – UFSCar
Enga. Letícia S. Alesi - UFSCar
Erick Eduardo Cruz - UFSCar
M.Sc. Isai Euán Chi - UFSCar
Harvey Marin Paladines - UFSCar
Juliana Aparecida Moureira- UFSCar
Natália Rodrigues de Carvalho - UFSCar
Caroline Araújo Marques - UFSCar
Editorial board
Dr. Luciano Donizeti Varanda - UFSCar
Prof. M.Sc. João Lúcio de Barros – IFSP/UNESP
M.Sc. Gabriela Tami Nakashima – UFSCar
Enga. Letícia S. Alesi - UFSCar
Evaluation and review committee
Dra. Alessandra Luiza Da Róz - IFSP
Profa. Dra. Ana Maria Pereira Neto – UFABC
Prof. Dra. Andrea Oliveira Nunes - UFRN
Prof. Dra. Andrea Cressoni de Conti – UNESP Rosana
Prof. Dr. Antônio Riul Júnior – UNICAMP
Prof. Dr. Carlos Roberto Sette Júnior – UFG
Prof. Dr. Claudio de Conti – UNESP Rosana
M.Sc. Gabriela Tami Nakashima – UFSCar
Profa. Dra. Graziella Colato Antônio – UFABC
Prof. Dr. Hiroyuki Yamamoto – Nagoya University - Japan
Prof. M.Sc. João Lúcio de Barros - IFSP
Prof. Dr. José Cláudio Caraschi – UNESP Itapeva
Profa. Dra. Juliana Tófano de Campos Leite Toneli – UFABC
Prof. Dr. Leandro Cardoso de Moraes – UNESP Sorocaba
Dr. Luciano Donizeti Varanda - UFSCar
M.Sc. Luis Ricardo Oliveira Santos – UFSCar
Prof. Dr. Walbert Chrisostomo – UNISO
Prof. Dra. Maria Eugenia C. Castelão - Universidade de Buenos Aires - Argentina